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Descartes essays

Descartes essays

descartes essays

On Descartes’ Meditations essay. In the first Meditation, Descartes argued that it not possible to know an object unless one can ascertain the existence of both God and the soul. The first act of Descartes was to place that doubt as a sensible starting point by questioning the reliability of the body’s meditation between thought and the Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Free Descartes Essays and Papers. Descartes. Foundation In Descartes Meditation VI Of the existence of material things, and of the real distinction between the real soul and body of descartes. Descartes. descartes. Descartes Apr 15,  · This essay will focus on Descartes’ concept of Dualism. The very foundations of his philosophy which led him to the theory of dualism will likewise be tackled. Concepts such as Cogito Ergo Sum will also be discussed since it serves as the foundation for Cartesian blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

On Descartes’ Meditations essay Essay — Free college essays

The concept of Dualism or the theory that there is a division between the mind and the body is not a novel one. It originated as early as the time of Plato and Aristotle. He was the first to argue that the mind is a non-material entity which is distinct and separate from the brain.

He also identified the mind with concepts such as self-awareness and self-consciousness. It is widely regarded that the sharp division between the mind and the body is the most basic fact of our human existence.

The very foundations of his philosophy which led him to the theory of dualism will likewise be tackled. Concepts such as Cogito Ergo Sum will also be discussed since it serves as the foundation for Cartesian dualism.

He was aware that the ideas of his contemporaries were all shaped by biases and prejudices. He challenged himself to eliminate these prejudices so that he could arrive at the very foundations of knowledge.

He also refused to accept the Aristotelian and Scholastic philosophy which had dominated the traditional philosophical thought throughout the Medieval Period, descartes essays. He thus began his philosophy by doubting everything that he could not be certain. Descartes doubted everything around him. He doubted the existence of the physical universe and even his body. He thought that it is very much possible that he descartes essays be hallucinating about the existence of this physical world or his physical self.

I observed, however, that these sometimes misled us; and descartes essays is the part of descartes essays not to place absolute confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived. He even argued that there is a thin line that separates the descartes essays state from the dreaming state — meaning, we cannot be actually certain whether as of the moment we are imagining or not. Bryan Kidd Descartes argued that on many occasions, he had actually thought that he was awake when in reality he was merely dreaming.

It is possible, according to him that our whole life could be a dream. He also questioned the truths of logic and reason since it is possible that he descartes essays be deceived by a demon which has the power to make things appear to be logical. Despite all these skepticisms, Descartes argued that there is one thing that he could be certain of and that is he doubted.

The mere fact that he was uncertain whether he is dreaming or awake manifests that he is in a state of doubt, descartes essays. If he doubted then this could only mean that he is thinking, descartes essays.

Because he is thinking, descartes essays, then he is a thinking being. Unlike his contemporaries who adopted the philosophical attitude of skepticism and began to doubt everything, Descartes believed that in reality it is not possible for us to doubt everything. But it is possible to arrive at true knowledge of certain things.

Descartes proceeds to argue that he is sure that he has a mind that exists. Since he has a mind that thinks then it follows that the mind could exist separately from the body. He argues that he is sure that he has a mind but he still is not sure about the existence descartes essays his body since it is possible for him to be in a state of delusion still.

It is possible for him to doubt that his body exists but it is not possible for him to doubt that his mind exists. He then concludes that he has a mind that is distinct from the body, descartes essays. He then proceeds to make a distinction between the mind and the body. The body is unconscious and is only an extension which takes up room in space while descartes essays mind which is conscious and does not take up room.

The body is divisible and is descartes essays to the laws of physical science. The mind, on the other hand, descartes essays, is indivisible and is not subjected to the laws of physical science. We know that the body exists because we can perceive it, descartes essays. On the other descartes essays, we know that the mind exists because of intuition.

Further, the faculty of imagination which I possess, and of which I am conscious that I make use when I apply myself to the consideration of material things, is sufficient to persuade me of their existence, descartes essays. It is a reality that the mind is able to influence and affect the body.

The same is true with descartes essays body which can affect the mind. Descartes attempted this solve this problem in his letter to Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine, he explained that there is an organ that links the mind from the body which is the pineal gland, a small gland in the center of the brain.

With the help of this gland, descartes essays, the mind can control the body by sending signals descartes essays the body which enables it to walk, run or sit. Descartes emphasized descartes essays that the end goal of man is for reason to get control of the body. Since the body is associated with passions and feelings it is important for the mind to take control so that it will be able to behave rationally and rise above the needs of the body.

This is because scientific evidence itself is against this view. They consider that that the mind and the body are only one thing, descartes essays. Nevertheless, I fully argue with his concept of dualism, descartes essays.

The mind is not simply a result of the chemical reactions in the brain. Consciousness and self-awareness are concepts that are beyond the capacity of the material body to comprehend, descartes essays. Also, I believe in the immortality of the human soul which is the theory that the soul continues to exist even after it is separated from the body. The dualism of Descartes sufficiently explains why the soul continues to exist after the person dies and why it is not affected by the processes in the body.

I believe that if a person is thinking, perceiving, feeling, drawing inferences and making conclusions then one can be certain that he is awake and that he is not dreaming. According to Descartes, on several occasions, he had actually thought that he was awake when in reality he was merely dreaming.

I believe that it is erroneous for one to say that one cannot tell the difference between being in a state of dream and being awake. Indeed it is not possible to state that a person is awake when he is really asleep precisely because when one is reflecting or thinking then descartes essays is not asleep. It would not be possible for a person to think when he is sleeping or dreaming. When one feels something then it is not possible for him to be dreaming. Indeed, experiencing the sensations of pain and pleasure are manifestations that one is awake and is not dreaming.

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descartes essays

Apr 15,  · This essay will focus on Descartes’ concept of Dualism. The very foundations of his philosophy which led him to the theory of dualism will likewise be tackled. Concepts such as Cogito Ergo Sum will also be discussed since it serves as the foundation for Cartesian blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins offers more than quality examples of essays, research papers, and reports on Rene Descartes' various philosophies - making us one of the most comprehensive sources on-line for information on philosophy! Browse through our index, find a paper, and download it today! On Descartes’ Meditations essay. In the first Meditation, Descartes argued that it not possible to know an object unless one can ascertain the existence of both God and the soul. The first act of Descartes was to place that doubt as a sensible starting point by questioning the reliability of the body’s meditation between thought and the Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

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