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Last Updated: March 29, References Approved. This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA. Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has been viewedtimes. Just like an argument paper, a position paper supports one side of an issue, i need help with my paper, similar to in a debate.
Your goal will be to provide convincing evidence to the reader that your position is the correct stance to take on an issue. You can write a great position paper by choosing your position carefully, developing your argument, drafting your paper, i need help with my paper, i need help with my paper revising and editing your work. If you need to write a position i need help with my paper, choose a topic that has at least 2 clear sides, then pick one of those sides as your position.
Gather research from books, newspapers, academic journals, online databases, and other credible sources, making sure to cover your own position and at least one opposing side. Open your paper by stating your claim, or the position you have taken, then offer at least 2 pieces of evidence to support that stance. Identify and dismiss a counter-argument to your position as well. For tips on how to use topic sentences to link your paragraphs to your thesis, read on!
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Learn why people trust wikiHow. Categories Education and Communications College University and Postgraduate Academic Writing Essays How to Write a Position Paper. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA Last Updated: March 29, References Approved.
Part 1. Make sure your topic is arguable. If you are choosing your own topic, then you will want to make sure that it has multiple sides. The topic should be controversial, with at least 2 clear sides. Sometimes a topic might seem to have 2 sides, but in actuality most people would agree on 1 side. A better topic may be taking a stance on what should be done if children are not receiving proper care. Research your topic and the alternative sides.
You need to fully understand your issue in order to choose and defend a position. Consider the background information, recent developments, and the reasons behind each side. Remember to examine at least 2 sides of your issue. Visit your local library to find books, journals, and newspapers. Access online databases, credible websites, and news sources.
To decide if a source is crediblelook for peer-reviewed journals, check the credentials of the author, locate the information in two separate sources, and check the date to make sure the information is the most recent available.
You should also avoid self-published sources. Make a pros and cons list for at least 2 positions on your topic. Based on your research, write down the reasons for and against each position that you are considering taking. This will help you choose a position that is easy to defend using the evidence that you have collected. Looking at both sides not only helps you pick the best position, it will also help you choose a good counterargument.
A pro of buying new equipment might be purchasing safer equipment, while a con would be the expense of the purchase. Think about your views on the issue. You may have strong views on the topic, which could help guide your choice.
If you do have an opinion, make a list of the reasons behind it to see if they can help you build an argument.
This is because you can focus on the evidence, not on your personal views. Consider your audience's views on the topic. How your paper is received will depend on the audience and their stance on the issue.
If you are preparing your paper for a class, it could be helpful to consider the views of your instructor. Similarly, a paper such as a policy paper would benefit from localizing the issue, i need help with my paper, just as a paper for an international journal would appeal to more readers if it includes a wider worldview.
Part 2. Establish your claim. Your claim is your position on the topic, which is what you will defend in your paper. You should base your claim on what you can prove with your evidence.
Identify your supporting reasons. Most position papers provide 2 or 3 supporting reasons for your claim, but a longer paper may include more reasons. Your supporting reasons will come directly from your evidence, so choose statements that you can prove.
Use your assignment sheet or the parameters of your paper to determine how many supporting reasons you should include. For many academic papers, you will use 2 to 3 reasons. Compile your supporting evidence. Identify which pieces of evidence you will use to support your argument, and mark them in a way that is convenient for you.
For example, you could write your citations on index cards for use while you write the paper, or you could type them directly into a document and then copy-and-paste them into your paper when you reach the drafting phase.
Compiling your evidence now will help you more easily write your paper. Keep in mind that it is important to cite your sources. If you use a direct quote from a source, then put it into quotation marks and identify the author when you use it. If you paraphrase or summarize something from a source, give credit to the author for the ideas.
Remember that most of the ideas in the paper should be your own. Keep your quotes to a sentence or two and try to avoid including more than one quote per paragraph. Identify a counter-argument that you can i need help with my paper dismiss. Using a counter-argument can help you strengthen your claim because it shows the audience that you have considered other options.
By introducing and then dismissing the counter-argument, you are showing that your position is the correct one to take. A good counter-argument is easy to dismiss, allowing you to refute it using your evidence. To strengthen your argument, you would cite this possible point against you but show why it's not a valid reason to dismiss your position.
A good way to do that would be to show that the equipment is worth the expense or that there is outside funding to pay for it. You will also want a piece of evidence that supports your counter-argument. This evidence, which should be easy to dismiss, will be included in your paper. Part 3. Develop your thesis. Your thesis will control your paper, so you should write it first.
For a position paper, you can vary how you write your thesis. Since you are using a counter argument, you i need help with my paper only have two supporting points, depending on the requirements of your paper. Write your introduction. Provide your audience with background information on your topic, i need help with my paper, including the history and recent developments, i need help with my paper.
You should include information that is relevant for your stance, i need help with my paper will narrow what you tell the reader.
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