Saturday, November 27, 2021

Impulse buying a literature review

Impulse buying a literature review

impulse buying a literature review

STIMULATING FACTORS OF IMPULSE BUYING BEHAVIOR: A LITERATURE REVIEW Mustafa ÜNSALAN* Geliş Tarihi (Received): – Kabul Tarihi (Accepted): Abstract Consumers buy products not only because of need to them but also because of sudden urge to buy them. The impulse buying have been investigated by consumer behavior researchersCited by: 3 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SALES PROMOTION AND IMPULSE BUYING ON CONSUMER PRODUCT IN BALOCHISTAN. Literature Review Impulse Purchases Early studies have clearly explained the concept of impulse or unplanned purchases and it is described as fascinating, multi-dimensional and complex Phenomenon (Coly, ). However most of studies are based on markets, Piron, , reviewed past literature and postulate that the impulsive Market researchers are investigating the buying behaviour is same as random impulse buying behaviour from last six shopping, Clover , West decades; Clover, ; West, ; Bell, ; Stern, ; Demby, ; Rook, Various definitions and underlying facets ; Peck and Childers, , have of impulsive

Past, Present, and Future of Impulse Buying Research Methods: A Systematic Literature Review

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Impulse buying a literature review short summary of this paper. IILM Academy of Higher Learning, Greater Noida. ABSTRACT The current article intends to examine and review the existing academic work in the area of impulsive buying behavior and its stimulating factors both internal and external. Efforts have been inclined to understand characteristics of impulsive buying and various factors it depends on.

An extensive data base of journals has been referred and compiled to reach at various definitions of impulsive buying. Various factors of impulse buying behaviour have been classified and underlined for further research studies.

The paper will help marketers and buddy researchers in understanding the fundamentals of the impulsive buying behaviour and development of future frameworks. The digitization of stores, players are foraying into market to exploit availability of more dispensable income the opportunities.

As per Indian retail has also played pivotal role in the ever- industry report, published in September increasing expansion of the organizedthe estimated expenditure on retailing in India. fashion that consumers can make India has become the most sought after impulsive buying decision, the retailers can retailing destination in the world.

India is try to upsell and cross sell to the having highest number of per capita retail consumers by properly exhibiting the store globally. Various factors help in the merchandise and implementing the expansion of the retail economy in India.

persuasive strategies within the retail set The sector is growing equally in urban and up. In this paper, a importantance for the retailers to thorough investigation of prior research in understand impulsivity to increase their impulsive behaviour have been done to revenue and profitability.

In Abratt understand impulse impulse buying a literature review behavior, and Goodey, investigated and suggested various studies have been compiled in that the impulsive buying behaviour must chorological order, some suggestions for be considered very seriously in further studies on impulse buying behavior supermarkets that certainly help the of consumers have been concluded. manufacturers as well as retailers worldwide to gauge the consumer Review of Literature behaviour.

Piron,reviewed past literature and postulate that the impulsive Market researchers are investigating the buying behaviour is same as random impulse buying behaviour from last six shopping, CloverWest decades; Clover, ; West, ; Bell, ; Stern, ; Demby, ; Rook, Various definitions and underlying facets ; Peck and Childers,have of impulsive buying behaviour have been carried some of the studies out.

Earlier compiled in chronologically. researchers were looking at impulsive Research Framework and Future buying behaviour from product Studies orientation i. seller-oriented economy, The detailed study of the available after world war II the focus changes to literature and careful exploration impulse buying a literature review the buyer-oriented economy and individual contents enable us to predict some of the buyer characteristics like unique need, future research directions in wants and demand motivational and understanding the impulsive buying cultural factors comes into behavior.

We found some of the groups considerations. commerce web portals and mobile Various other factors have been noticed applications are available to encourage which are impacting the decision of 24x7 shopping.

Impulse buying impulsive buying behavior such as behaviour of shoppers recorded hedonic motivation, past experience etc. Dawson and Kim, mediating role of brand loyalty, store found that purchasing on impulse have loyalty has also been witnessed.

The buying habits of stimul. As per our literature review the the consumers are changing dynamically following propositions for research in and so as the impulsive purchasing this area of consumer behaviour that will behaviour.

It is vital for the marketers to help in further investigation and understand unique behaviour the development of knowledge. The customers are exhibiting while making conceptual model that is proposed is impulsive purchase decision.

The accommodating various factors strategies have to be made in such a consumers do consider at the time of fashion that consumers can make making purchase on impulse. The impulsive buying decision, the retailers following propositions are being can try to upsell and cross sell to the proposed for future researches: consumers by properly exhibiting the P1- Impact of Psychographic factors on merchandise and implementing the impulsive buying behavior persuasive strategies within the retail set P2- Impact of situational factors on up.

The retailers need to understand framework could be tested thoroughly with the underlying forces which influence the help of exploratory or empirical impulse buying a literature review to exhibit impulsive buying research design. Psychographic factors are behaviour and make feasible workable really challenging to investigate as it strategies to increase revenue and employs the lifestyle of the consumer.

The detailed literature Future studies could also be conducted to review and careful content analysis of the study the combined effect of various literature, we have been able to define the factors on impulsivity. Both mediating and concept of impulse buying behaviour its moderating variables like loyalty towards a underlying factors and relationship with brand or store can also be investigated.

the consumer. We also present some research suggestions for the future Conclusion studies, which may lead to model design From almost seven decades, the and development in the field of consumer complexity of impulsive behaviour poses behaviour research. The current scenario various challenges to researchers and and dynamic business environment with marketers. conferences on Impulse buying a literature review and Social References Sciences ICESS Dubai, UAE December 5th, Relationship between Consumer Characteristics and [8] Bayley, G.

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, time: 15:01


impulse buying a literature review

The process of impulse buying is influenced by various external, situational, and internal stimulus factors. The extant literature review suggests that various external and situational factors are Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins to find what impulse buying is, its types and various factors influencing impulse buying behaviour. For this we have reviewed the literature to gain insights of impulse buying behaviour. Findings show that there are various determinants which compel or force a consumer to RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SALES PROMOTION AND IMPULSE BUYING ON CONSUMER PRODUCT IN BALOCHISTAN. Literature Review Impulse Purchases Early studies have clearly explained the concept of impulse or unplanned purchases and it is described as fascinating, multi-dimensional and complex Phenomenon (Coly, ). However most of studies are based on markets,

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