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Corporate social responsibility - Dissertation
The introduction chapter provides the reader with a clear statement regarding the aim and objectives of the dissertation, and its relationship to the existing work. It also outlines the research questions that the paper seeks to answer and provides an explanation as to the importance of the current study.
There is also a brief outline regarding the subsequent chapters of the dissertation. It covers a wide scope of activities including the environment and other social factors. The CSR activities that the companies engage in include those of an economic, legal, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, ethical, and philanthropic nature.
The economic front follows the perception that the main aim of every corporation is to remain economically viable. In addition, the company has to generate revenue in order to engage in CSR activities. Therefore, corporations may engage in CSR with the aim of promoting their businesses and earning more revenue in the long-run Crane There are also legal responsibilities associated with CSR.
Regardless of the wishes of the company, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, as corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe by Lambooythere are laws and regulations that require the companies to engage in CSR activities, for example, making sure that their waste products do not pollute the environment beyond a certain level. Failure to follow these rules and laws may corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe in heavy fines, criminal proceedings and even the closure of the business Lambooy There is also an ethical front in CSR where businesses engage in these activities with the sole motive being based on ethics Crane Regardless of the other benefits that the company may realize from engaging in the CSR activities, it has to assist the people.
It is a way of giving back to society and it does not necessarily have to be related to the company's line of business. Regardless of the approach and motive of a company's engagement in CSR, the current research will seek to determine how customers perceive their activities. A variety of definitions of corporate social responsibility exist and they relate to the ethical practices of a business as well as the engagement of a business in the welfare of the society.
The companies and businesses may engage in CSR activities of their choice, but it is the client's perceptions that determine whether these activities are of economic benefits to the companies. Understanding these concepts requires research on the perceptions of a section of customers in order to understand whether they perceive CSR as of benefit to them, and whether it impacts on their purchasing behaviors. Ideally, the area of the study will act as a representation of the activities of other customers throughout the world.
For the purpose of the current study, CSR will be taken to incorporate all the possible approaches that a company may use to engage in CSR activities, whether they are voluntary or enforced by law. The aim of the study is to gain more knowledge and understanding of the perception of customers towards the benefits of CSR.
Therefore, the current paper will achieve this by investigating the perception that clients have about the value of CSR in businesses, and how it benefits them. To identify the views of previous authors and researchers regarding the perception of customers towards CSR by conducting an intensive review of related literature.
To analyze the perceptions of different customers regarding the value of CSR and how it may be beneficial to them by collecting data via interviews. To investigate whether there is a relationship between the involvement of businesses in corporate social responsibility and the satisfaction of clients by analyzing the data collected through interviews. To recommend how businesses may use CSR activities to their benefit as well as that of the clients corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe the society.
What are the views of other authors and researchers in regard to customer perception of the benefits of CSR towards them? Is there a relationship between the involvement of businesses in CSR activities and the satisfaction of customers? What are the recommendations to the businesses on how CSR activities may benefit them and at the same time satisfy the customers? Diverse perceptions exist on the relationship between the CSR and businesses. Individuals supporting the use of CSR believe that businesses end up making more money when they use CSR McElhaney This is attributed to increased attraction of clients to businesses that have CSR programs McElhaney Regardless of the different perspectives offered, it is evident that CSR has become increasingly incorporated in today's business world.
There is an existing perception among most businesses that involvement in the CSR will impact positively on their revenue by attracting more clients Corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe Consequently, for a similar product, different consumers may express diverse degrees of satisfaction. In addition, literature based on marketing has recognized that the satisfaction of clients is a key component of the corporate strategy. It is also a key driver of a business's long-term market value and profitability.
Therefore, it is expected that the perception of the clients towards CSR has a positive influence on their satisfaction, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe. In addition, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, businesses seek to build client loyalty by making sure that they are satisfied.
It is an approach that is also seen to be influenced by the CSR activities of a business. Consistent satisfaction is a major contributor to the loyalty of the customers.
Thus, it is important to understand the link between the CSR activities of a company and the perception as well as the satisfaction of the customers. Therefore, it is vital to research the topic and provide up to date information regarding the perception of the corporations regarding the importance of CSR.
Chapter 2: Literature Review This involves a critical review of the relevant academic literature, which identifies the relevant theoretical and conceptual ideas, issues as well as debates regarding the research topic. Chapter 3: Methodology This outlines and justifies the approach that the paper will adopt in regard to the collection of data as well as research approaches.
It also discusses the strategies adopted during the sampling of the participants. It corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe discusses the reliability, validity and generalization of the study. Chapter 4: Findings and Data Analysis This section of the dissertation presents the findings of the study including themes as well as the interpretations of the data.
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations This section establishes a link between the findings of the others reviewed in the second corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, and expressing to what extent the study's findings agree or disagree with their findings.
It also includes recommendations for future research and actions. Chapter 6: Corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe Reflection This entails giving a personal reflection regarding the entire process of writing the dissertation as well as the author's personal reflection regarding the topic.
This chapter provides an introduction of what the research is about. It offers a background of the corporate social responsibility concept. It also provides information on the importance of the research including the research aim, objectives and questions. The study rationale is that as corporations throughout the world adopt the concept of CSR, it would be important to understand whether the clients perceive it as an important concept.
In order to determine this, the paper will include various sections including a literature review, a methodology section, findings and analysis of data, conclusions and recommendations, and personal reflections. This chapter has an aim of presenting previous research in the CSR field and its connection to the perceptions of consumers. The CSR concept will also be reviewed in relation to different authors and researchers. There will also be a discussion of relevant theories, which will begin with an explanation of theories relating to the response of customers to CSR.
Since the paper will focus on a social issue and seeks the perceptions of the public, it is inevitable to consider culture as a possible factor that may impact on consumer perception towards CSR. Therefore, the chapter will present the Hofstede's cultural dimensions as well as Trompenaars seven dimensions of culture, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe.
The chapter's structure will include a discussion regarding the definition of CSR and its brief history. There will also be a discussion on how CSR relates to sustainability of businesses.
In addition, the factors impacting on CSR and its applicability in businesses will be examined. Finally, the chapter will introduce CSR in China, which is the location where the research will be based.
The paper will use a wide range of literature including books, peer reviewed articles, and internet sources. The search for relevant literature included searching through the library catalogue for various keywords that relate to the current paper, including CSR, impact of CSR on customers, and perceptions of customers towards CSR. However, in general the diverse definitions relate to the impact that businesses have to the welfare of the stakeholders.
CSR focuses on different aspects including the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations from society. The businesses may decide to extend their contributions to the society beyond the requirements of law. Although CSR has numerous definitions, the current dissertation shall adopt the definition used by Kotler and Leewhich defines CSR as the commitment to improve the well-being of a community using discretionary business practices and contribution of companys resources.
The choice of this definition has been reached because the current research is focused on China, where CSR is voluntary. In addition, clients have a high preference for the businesses that have high social responsibility campaigns Shin Globalisation and information technology has seen the competition in the market become fierce, and corporations seek every effective way to become relevant and prominent.
Katsoulakos, Koutsodimou, Matraga, and William outline three phases of the development of CSR, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, with phase 1 being pre CSR phase, which occurred between andwhile the second phase is the CSR initiation phase that occurred between and The third phase is Early CSR mainstreaming, which began in going forward Katsoulakos et al.
However, Katsoulakos et corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe. Khan et al. After developing over the decades, CSR has moved into different regions and it has evolved in such a way that there exist inter-regional variations. It is evident that there has been increased presence of CSR in modern society Caroll It is mainly to the increased perception among clients that businesses that have CSR programs are benefiting society.
One issue that has been raised despite significant research focusing on the CSR show that there is still no generally accepted definition Pedersen Carroll also states that the CSR in business has been a concern for businesses for a long time.
Most literature refers to CSR as a voluntary activity conducted by corporations Carroll However, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, recent developments have seen companies being required to demonstrate their responsibility to society.
For example, about seventy percent of the large companies in Europe and Americas report their CSR initiatives Karnani Indian companies that generate a net revenue of million rupees or more or a net profit of 50 million rupees or more are expected by law to spend at least two percent of the net margin generated in the immediate preceding years on CSR initiatives KPMG Some countries nations have mandatory CSR reporting requirements including Norway, Sweden, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, France, Denmark, and Australia Karnani A majority of the executives believe that it creates a competitive advantage for the firms, and it leads to a greater market share, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe.
Branco and Delgado make a similar argument, but add that although the CSR initiatives can offer a competitive advantage to the organizations, if not well-managed they may actually develop some competitive disadvantages. Corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe example, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe, they require financial investment, which can potentially be a burden to the business.
Various approaches are discussed by researchers on how CSR should be conducted, in particular the shareholder perspective, corporate social responsibility dissertation repoe perspective and societal perspective Pedersen Shareholder approach focuses on CSR activities that will promote the maximization of profits while the stakeholder perspective has its focus on the company has to be accountable to all the stakeholders, including clients, communities, employees, and government officials Pedersen Finally, the societal approach shows that the corporations are responsible to the community as a whole.
Hence, their operations should satisfy the needs of society Pedersen The CSR efforts have also gained importance in the functional operations of the corporates. For instance, it is viewed as a way of attracting employees in the area of human resource management, most employees like working for a company that is socially responsible Strandberg According to Russel and Russelthe management focuses in the importance of CSR as a developer of opportunities, which also implies a perpetual change from what is deemed right to what is the smart thing to do.
Porter and Kramer state that if corporations were to make an analysis of their social responsibility prospects using the same framework that they use to analyze their core operations, they would realize that it is not only a constraint, a cost or just a charitable act, but it is also an opportunity to develop opportunities, competitive advantage as well as innovation.
What is Corporate social responsibility (#CSR) ?
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Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Repoe. even Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Repoe expect your assignments to be so good but when you read your essay done by TFTH, you will instantly realise how good they are!’. Amol Malokar, UK. How To Write Good Examples of Book Reviews/10() Jul 21, · Corporate Social Responsibility is also often referred to as corporate citizenship and is classified as a responsible business practice. This is because of the fact that Corporate Social Responsibility serves as an internally placed system that seeks to modify the perception that consumers have about the subject organization. Generally Corporate Social Responsibility is exercised by Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Repoe we have a flexible pricing policy that lets you select an affordable package considering the type of your paper, the number of words, and Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Repoe academic level/10()
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