Saturday, November 27, 2021

Research papers insurance

Research papers insurance

research papers insurance

The background of this paper is the ongoing dismantling of the social insurance systems in favour of commercialisation and privatisation of insurances needed for illness, old age and premature death. This combined with the increased possibility of using genetic testing for differentiating personal insurance premiums has the potentiality of creating a 'genetic proletariat'--an uninsurable high-risk Research Paper on Insurance. Samples The conception of insurance is the spreading of risks for a few individuals, among many. This is done when individuals and businesses pay a premium to an insurance company to cover them in case of a catastrophic occurrence. In other words, we all pay premiums in case something happens to one of us This research is a pre-test research that has a purpose to find out the purchase intention of microinsurance would be triggered by client value or trust and which one would significantly contribute on this relationship. The pre-test research used primary data by spreading the questionnaires to respondents who lived in Jakarta

Unemployment Insurance in Macroeconomic Stabilization | NBER

To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. General Insurance Followers. Papers People. Opting out of mandatory health insurance in Latin American countries: implications for policy and decision making in Russian Federation. Save to Library. Risk Management in General Insurance Business in India. Comparative Analysis of Insurance Companies and Commercials Banks' Investment Portfolios and Economic Growth in Nigeria.

The study covers the period from to The secondary data collected for the study were presented in tables and graphs. A multiple linear regression method was adopted to test the research hypotheses. An ex-post facto research design was adopted in the study.

The findings were that there is a positive but no significant relationship between government securities, stock of bond, real estate and mortgage, policy and other loans, cash deposits, bills of exchange of insurance companies and economic growth in Nigeria. This implies that investment portfolios of insurance companies do not contribute significantly to economic growth in Nigeria within the period under study.

Also, there is a significant relationship between ordinary shares, preference shares, debentures, subsidiaries, other investments, total investments of commercial banks and economic growth in Nigeria. This implies that investment portfolios of commercial banks do contribute significantly to economic growth in Nigeria within the period under study.

Recommendations were that insurance companies in Nigeria should increase their investments on government securities, real estate and mortgage, policy and other loans, research papers insurance, as well as cash at hand and deposits for more feasible contribution to the economic growth in Nigeria. Also, commercial banks in Nigeria should also channel their investment efforts on other subsidiaries and debentures for more realistic contribution to the economic growth in Nigeria among others.

Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance. A STUDY ON THE SERVICES OF GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANIES IN THE RURAL AREAS OF NORTHERN KERALA. In India General Insurance or Non-life insurance market is one of the emerging, dynamic and rapidly growing sector existing for protecting the personal and social security needs research papers insurance people. During General Insurance sector has During General Insurance sector has seventeen percent rise in gross written premiums compared to the previous year.

General insurance research papers insurance has a pivotal role in the socio economic development of every nation but it is seen that in rural area the coverage of general insurance is not much flourished and neglected from all its benefits because of the low coverage, research papers insurance. To maintain the social security in the rural area IRDA has timely intervention and as a result of the same various innovative and attractive measures in the form of various products affordable to the lower socio economic strata of the society.

This study is based on primary data pertaining to the quality of the services of general insurance in the rural areas of Northern Kerala, a small state in India. Data collected from eighty randomly selected respondents through a questionnaire and methodological framing has also done in an research papers insurance manner.

The main objective of this study is to examine whether the insurers potentially utilise the opportunities of the rural market in order to fill the gap o protecting the social security needs of the rural people.

Analysis: Review of the Year Review of the important events impacting the UK general insurance industry during Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna PMFBY : A Bunch of Benefits. Agriculture sector in India faces the research papers insurance of loss due to draughts, floods and other natural calamities and thereby it is imperative to protect farmers form any kind of loss and enable them to maintain their financial position for the Agriculture sector in India faces the risk of loss due to draughts, floods and other natural calamities and thereby it is imperative to protect farmers form any kind of loss and enable them to maintain their financial position for the next crop season.

Realizing the importance of agriculture sector various schemes have been launched by government since independence in the interest of farmers of the country. The recently launched scheme is the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna PMFBYwhich is a kind of a "One nation-One scheme" launched in the year Research papers insurance provides a widespread insurance cover against failure of the crops and helps in stabilizing the income of the insured farmers.

The present paper is an attempt to study the conceptual framework of the scheme and identifying the benefits of PMFBY in the country. It is a kind of descriptive research highlighting the peculiarities of the scheme and its prospective effects in the betterment of Indian farmers. This study empirically and comparatively analyses the insurance companies and commercials banks' investment portfolios and their contributions to economic growth in Nigeria.

The secondary Over indemnity of Fire losses. How it got trapped in such an unenviable position is symbolic of poetic justice. In the rudimentary stages, research papers insurance, indemnity In the rudimentary stages, research papers insurance was but the whim of the haughty loss assessor, as his fancy would suggest, that research papers insurance overawed insurers and the insured alike had to accept like a claim prasad.

Though later on, the system had acquired some semblance of balance, yet the irony of inequity, more or less, remained the guiding factor for settling the claims of the small frays that were treated like serfs in the general insurance corridors, research papers insurance.

The hapless insured was hoodwinked to sign on the dotted line of the discharge voucher, or else. Some claim processing officials even went to the extent of maintaining dairies of their misdeeds, of coercive claim reductions, to boast about the savings thus accrued to the company.

Just the same, research papers insurance, at the same time, research papers insurance was a red carpet, all the way, for the valued clients, more so when it came to their large losses. This is the updated edition of my article "The Genesis of Over indemnity" published in The Insurance Times, May The aim of the study is to examine the private motor car insured's cross selling viability on dwelling house and personal accident insurance policies in Sri Lankan non-life insurance research papers insurance. There are 15 general insurance companies There are research papers insurance general insurance companies after the segregation regulation while three companies still operating as composite insurers,accounting Insurance Board of Sri Lanka has planned to strengthen the non viable insurance companies by segregating the life and non-life business from All the general insurance companies' portfolio dominated by motor insurance, which is the highest loss line class among general product classes as Cross selling research papers insurance motor products to motor insurance policies became an essential requirement for general insurance companies because this will improve combined performance ratio.

The study was carried out using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods consisting questionnaires, using randomly selected insurance advisors and in-depth interviews with 25 senior managers from 18 insurance companies with secondary data, research papers insurance.

The study revealed that cross selling direct antecedents namely cross selling self efficacy, motivation and role clarity were valid predictors of cross selling sales performance and there was a positive impact by those variables. Out of the study managers were also perceived that cross selling is an idle strategy for develop the new business in general insurance industry to face future challenges, research papers insurance.

Industry should initiate non motor insurance products introduction into sales advisors' job induction with structured training programmes. Further a proper reward system with a valued incentive system must be implemented to the sales advisors for a better development of the general insurance industry. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran sistem informasi dalam menunjang jalannya kegiatan usaha pada perusahaan asuransi kerugian dalam penjualan polis serta kinerja karyawan dalam perusahaan.

penelitian ini diketahui bahwa sistem penelitian ini diketahui bahwa sistem informasi yang digunakan untuk karyawan merupakan system dari pengembangan co-sourching, dimana untuk pengembangan system dengan mengunakan co-sourching masih terdapat kekurangan, research papers insurance. Sedangkan untuk menunjang kinerja karyawan, diperlukan adanya perbaikan agar karyawan dapat bekerja dengan efektif dan efisien.

Loss to Order - A Fictional Account of an Insurance Fraud. But then, Global Facilitators, the grandiose But then, Global Facilitators, the grandiose lobbying firm of his dreams, research papers insurance, would be a non-starter, after all. It was at that juncture at a stag party, that he met Ranjit Palit, the Branch Manager of the Oriental Fire and General Insurance Company.

When he was reasonably high, Palit came to articulate the genesis research papers insurance the arson that plagued the general insurance business. While misplaced trust in the former could occasion a fraudulent claim, in case of the latter, research papers insurance, it might lead to an alien paternity. Thus, the breach of warranty in both would leave behind the unwanted in the end.

Blaming it all upon the Loss Assessors, research papers insurance, Palit reserved his choicest expletives for them all. He thought they were research papers insurance a bunch of self-serving nincompoops with weak moral fibers. They were all superficial to the core sorely lacking the needed skills to separate the wheat from the chaff. What was worse, he averred, with right inducements, they could be easily made to look the other way, even in the case of research papers insurance untenable claims.

With such Loss Assessors around, it was little wonder that the insurers might go research papers insurance one day, research papers insurance. As though to appear balanced, even after consuming a pint, Palit conceded to the research papers insurance of black sheep on the underwriting side of the fence as well. Incongruities in Machinery Insurance. The conceptual difference, in their very rudiments, between the fire insurance and the machinery insurance that is available only as a sequel to the former, though independent of it, is this: whereas in case of fire insurance, the scope The conceptual difference, in their very rudiments, between the fire insurance and the machinery insurance that is available only as a sequel to the former, though independent of it, is this: whereas in case of fire insurance, the scope of cover is limited, ab initio, to the perils specified in the policy, the position in respect of machinery insurance is that 'unforeseen and sudden physical damage by any cause-an omnibus proposition-not hereinafter excluded' is research papers insurance as the perils covered.

Thus, whereas the fire insurance is finite in its scope of liability, the machinery insurance is one of an infinite obligation, of indemnity, research papers insurance, though limited by specific exclusions and exceptions. Conceptualization of Indemnity under Fire Insurance. There occurred a fire mishap in the farmhouse belonging to a gentleman of leisure, which in due course engulfed the neighborhood nursery.

Among the properties destroyed in the fire or damaged during the fire-fighting operations were a Among the properties destroyed in the fire or damaged during the fire-fighting operations were a large number of garden plants, in both premises, which have been insured, coincidentally, with the same underwriting office. For uniformity research papers insurance loss analysis and equanimity in assessment, the underwriters chose to entrust the survey assignments of both the claims to a single surveyor.

Whereas the loss assessment with regard to the other damaged properties should pose no problem, as there are precepts and precedents to follow, the question of providing indemnity in respect of plants, to the respective insured's, calls for a deeper contemplation on part of the surveyor concerned.

The fire policy unequivocally states that……. It is as per the Concise Oxford Dictionary, research papers insurance, the ability of a thing to serve a purpose or cause an effect. What, then, is the value of the damaged plant to the respective insured's? To the landlord of the farmhouse, their value lies in the research papers insurance they provide to the environs and the emotional feeling he derives from gardening them.

However, to the nursery owner, the plants have an altogether different value, primarily mundane, in that they are the means by which he and his family get their livelihood from, through their sale, though he too may exult in their joyous presence. Thus, research papers insurance, the value of the plants, property of similar nature, going by their ability to serve a purpose or cause an effect, is uniquely different to their respective owners. If one were to arrive at the amount of compensation, a cost of production mode, research papers insurance, it would involve the cost of planting nascent seedlings or saplings, of the same or similar varieties, of the damaged plants, capping it up with an allowance for such of the expenses on gardening, like the cost of manure and watering charges, that have to be incurred, till they would have grown into plants of the destroyed description as at the time of the outbreak of fire.

For the landlord, research papers insurance, after he, in due course, psychologically overcomes his gloom, these seedlings and saplings, progressively create agreeable scenery, though different from the previous one, research papers insurance, that too enlivens his environs, and thus would under research papers insurance circumstances, apparently restore to him the value the damaged property hold for him.

Thus the amount of compensation based on cost of production mode could fairly indemnify him for his material loss.

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Insurance Law Research Papers -

research papers insurance

This paper draws lessons from the advantages and disadvantages of the heterodox stabilization approach in chronic high inflation countries. Heterodox stabilization programs make temporary use of some income policies - price and wage controls - to support orthodox policies. Heterodox programs were successfully tried in two chronic high inflation Author: David Schlossman The present paper is an attempt to study the conceptual framework of the scheme and identifying the benefits of PMFBY in the country. It is a kind of descriptive research highlighting the peculiarities of the scheme and its prospective effects in the betterment of Indian farmers This research is a pre-test research that has a purpose to find out the purchase intention of microinsurance would be triggered by client value or trust and which one would significantly contribute on this relationship. The pre-test research used primary data by spreading the questionnaires to respondents who lived in Jakarta

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